Department of Fisheries & Aquatic Resources

Information and Cyber Security of Department of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources

Cybersecurity in the Department of Fisheries is crucial for safeguarding sensitive data and ensuring operational integrity. The department manages vital information, including environmental data, resource management, and financial records, which must be protected from unauthorized access and cyber threats. Key measures include implementing robust encryption, firewalls, and intrusion detection systems to secure networks and data. Regular employee training on cyber hygiene and phishing awareness is essential to mitigate human error. Additionally, maintaining compliance with cybersecurity procedures and conducting regular security audits help identify and address vulnerabilities.

Department posses the data that is categorized under the “personal” as per the Personal Data Protection Act of 2022. Such information will only be sheared according to the procedures indicated the Personal Data Protection Act of 2022 and under the supervision of Information Security (Data protection) officer.

All internal users of the information systems maintained by the DFAR should sign an agreement with the chief information officer and any other external party who wish to obtain the information on regular basis from the department should sign and agree to the data sharing policy.

Information Security Officials

Dr. N.D.P. Gunawardena
Information Security Officer
Data protection officer (PDPA)

Mrs. T.P. Nawagamuwa
Assistant Information Security Officer 


Mr. W.V.U.K. Botheju
Assistant Information Security Officer (Alternate)