The Division consist of two main units;
Issue of relevant verification reports to ensure internationally that the fish caught by registered fishing boats of Sri Lanka carrying out fishing operations at high seas has been caught with accurate reports and appropriately without engaging in IUU practices.
Live connection with principle stake holders such as all the fisheries harbours, offices, Sri Lanka Navy and Coast Guard Corps as well as officers pertaining to the High Seas fishing operations via network connection centering the High Seas Fisheries Unit.
Prompt verification of VMS and log record related data by introducing an accurate, efficient and reliable scientific method of reporting data via an electronic log book system.
To introduce a computer related automatically marking scheme for identifying and reporting risk vessels highly violating laws at the High Sea, and depending on the said marks, information of high risk vessels is provided to the revenants division.
The main function of this unit is to issue relevant verification reports to ensure internationally that the fish caught by registered fishing boats of Sri Lanka carrying out fishing operations at high seas has been caught with accurate reports and appropriately free from IUU practices. Preliminary investigations are carried out into the violations of the laws of the Sea committed by vessels engaged in High Seas fishing operations and upon the revelations from preliminary investigations same is referred to further investigation.
Live connection of principle stakeholders such as all the (20) Ffishery Harbours/Quality Control Division ,Regional Offices,Vessel Monitoring Centre, Sri Lanka Navy and Coast Guard Corps as well as fish exporters centering the High Seas Fisheries Unit via network connection with 24/7 duty roaster, maintaining an updated data base on High Seas fishing vessels and sending the same to the harbours daily via email and also maintaining a possible IUU vessel list in that regard and keep the relevant parties informed of the same are that of the main tasks undertaken by the division.
Taking, monitoring and /management as well as storing (insertion into the main web based data base) of information mentioned in the log sheets belonging to the fisheries activities at High Seas and at Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) with a view to providing fisheries data timely and accurately, which are bound to be given at regional and local wise is yet another principal task of the division.
Investigation into the findings of border crossings and VMS off in respect of the High Seas fishing operations and instituting legal proceedings against them, and also to introduce a computer related automatically marking scheme for identifying and reporting risk vessels highly violating laws at High Sea, and depending on the said marks, information of high risk vessels is provided to the relevant division.In addition to these, another main task of the Investigation Sub Unit of this division is that of the enforcement of acts like suspension of operational licences,warnings, directing for mediation/administrative fines etc.
1. Co-ordination of salvage of seafarers and seafarers in distress at sea
2. Information provision and waste information exchange by SSB radio for multi-day cruises
3. Issuance of weather reports to the community, warnings and announcements to the community
4. Proceedings relating to impounded Indian vessels and vessels
Department of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources,
New Secretariat, Maligawatta
Colombo 10.
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