Department of Fisheries & Aquatic Resources
Government Fisheries Regulations

மீன்வளச் சட்டத்தின் கீழ் உள்ள விதிமுறைகள்

1. படகு ஒழுங்குமுறைகள் மற்றும் மேலாண்மை
ஒழுங்குமுறை இலக்கம் திகதி
மீன்பிடி படகு பதிவு ஒழுங்குமுறைகள் (தரவிறக்கம் செய்ய) Gazette Extraordinary No. 109 (03.10.1980)
மீன்பிடி படகு (அடமானம்) ஒழுங்குமுறைகள் (தரவிறக்கம் செய்ய) Gazette Extraordinary No. 1/388 (10.09.1976)
மீன்பிடி படகுகளின் பதிவு ஒழுங்குமுறைகள், 1980 {திருத்தம்) (தரவிறக்கம் செய்ய) Gazette Extraordinary No. 948/24 (07.11.1996)
மீன்பிடி படகுகளின் ஒழுங்குமுறைகள் (திருத்தம்) (தரவிறக்கம் செய்ய) Gazette Extraordinary No. 1430/4 (30.01.2006)
உள்ளூர் மீன்பிடி படகுகள் (உயிர்காப்பு அங்கிகள்) ஒழுங்குமுறைகள் (தரவிறக்கம் செய்ய) Gazette Extraordinary No. 1570/32 (09.10.2008)
மீன்பிடி படகு பாதுகாப்பு (வடிவமைப்பு, கட்டுமானம் மற்றும் உபகரணங்கள்) விதிமுறைகள் (தரவிறக்கம் செய்ய) Gazette Extraordinary No. 1600/13 (05.05.2009)
படகுப் பதிவு விதிமுறைகள் 1980 (திருத்தம்) (தரவிறக்கம் செய்ய) Gazette Extraordinary No. 1730/9 (01.11.2011)
2014 ஆம் ஆண்டின் 1 ஆம் இலக்க ஆழ்கடல் மீன்பிடி நடவடிக்கை விதிமுறைகள் (தரவிறக்கம் செய்ய) Gazette Extraordinary No. 1878/12 (01.09.2014)
2014 ஆம் ஆண்டின் 1 ஆம் இலக்க ஆழ்கடல் மீன்பிடி நடவடிக்கைகள் ஒழுங்குமுறைகள் (திருத்தம்) (தரவிறக்கம் செய்ய) Gazette Extraordinary No. 1892/41 (12.12.2014)
வெளிநாட்டு நீர்நிலைகளில் மீன்பிடி நடவடிக்கைகளில் ஈடுபடும் இலங்கை குடிமக்களுக்கான குறைந்தபட்ச தரநிலைகள் (தரவிறக்கம் செய்ய) Gazette Extraordinary No. 1945/07 (14.12.2015)
வெளிநாட்டுக் கொடியுடன் கூடிய மீன்பிடிப் படகுகளில் மீன்பிடி நடவடிக்கைகளில் ஈடுபடும் இலங்கைக் குடிமக்களுக்கான குறைந்தபட்ச தரநிலைகள் (திருத்தம்) (தரவிறக்கம் செய்ய) Gazette Extraordinary No. 2107/50 (25.01.2019)
ஸ்கிப்பர்களுக்கான (உள்ளூர் மீன்பிடி படகுகள்) திறன் சான்றிதழ்களை வழங்குதல் விதிமுறைகள் (தரவிறக்கம் செய்ய) Gazette Extraordinary No. 2126/6 (03.06.2019)
இயந்திரமயமாக்கப்பட்ட மீன்பிடி படகுகள் ஆர்டர்கள் (தரவிறக்கம் செய்ய) Gazette Extraordinary No. (2023)
ஸ்கிப்பர்களுக்கான (உள்ளூர் மீன்பிடி படகுகள்) திறன் சான்றிதழ்களை வழங்குதல் (திருத்தம்) (தரவிறக்கம் செய்ய) Gazette Extraordinary No. 2369/31 (01.02.2024)
2. Fishing Operations & Methods
Regulation Number Date
Madel (Beach Seine) Fishing Regulations (Download) Gazette Extraordinary No. 337/48 (21.02.1985)
Regulations of Fishing Activities in the sea adjacent to the coast of the Administrative District of Colombo and Gampaha (Download) Gazette Extraordinary No. 437/46 (19.01.1987)
Purse-Seine Regulations (Download) Gazette Extraordinary No. 437/46 (19.01.1987)
Fishing Operations regulations of 1996 (Download) Gazette Extraordinary No. 948/25 (07.11.1996)
Fishing Operation Regulations 1996 (Amendment) (Download) Gazette Extraordinary No. 1392/8 (11.05.2005)
Bolgoda Reservoir ( Fishing Operations) Regulations, 2007 (Download) Gazette Extraordinary No. 1493/18 (20.04.2007)
Landing of Fish Regulations 1997 (Amendment) (Download) Gazette Extraordinary No. 1555/13 (26.06.2008)
Landing of Fish Regulations 1997 (Amendment) (Download) Gazette Extraordinary No. 1700/19 (07.04.2011)
Prohibited Fishing within the Mentioned Area Described in the Schedule by the Chart and Map (Download) Gazette Extraordinary No. 1702/2 (18.04.2011)
Regulations for the fishing of cuttlefish (fishing Operations) in sea area of Udappuwa and Semuthu Thoduwawa in the Puttalam District (Download) Gazette Extraordinary No. 1733/23 (23.11.2011)
Inland Fishing Operation Regulations 2011 (Download) Gazette Extraordinary No. 1733/24 (23.11.2011)
The fishing Operation Regulations of catching live ornamental fish or lobster in the south coast (Matara and Galle District) fisheries Management Area 2012 (Download) Gazette Extraordinary No. 1770/ 25 (10.08.2012)
Prohibition of Catching Thresher Shark Regulations (Download) Gazette Extraordinary No. 1768/36 (27.07.2012)
Fishing Operations Regulations of catching Chank or Lobster in the South Coast (Hambantota District) Fisheries Management Area 2012 (Download) Gazette Extraordinary No. 1774/36 (07.09.2012)
Prohibited Fishing within the Mentioned Area Described in the Schedule by the Chart and Map (Download) Gazette Extraordinary No. 1801/28 (14.03.2013)
The Fishing Gear Marking Regulations No 1 of 2015 (Download) Gazette Extraordinary No.1904/10 (03.03.2015)
Prohibition of Use of Spears in Fishing Operations Regulations (Download) Gazette Extraordinary No. 2008/31 (03.03.2017)
Prohibition of Catching Fish Species Thambuwa (Cephalapholis sonnerati) Regulations (Download) Gazette Extraordinary No. 2014/4 (11.04.2017)
Prohibition of Catching Fish Species Thambuwa (Cephalapholis sonnerati) Regulations 2017 (Download) Gazette Extraordinary No. 2014/4 (11.04.2017)
Madel (Beach Seine ) Fishing Regulations 1984 (Amendment) Gazette extraordinary No . and dated 2018.04.05 (Download) Gazette Extraordinary No. 2065/33 (05.04.2018)
The Fishing Operations Regulations of 1996 (Amendment) (Download) Gazette Extraordinary No. 2115/8 (18.03.2019)
Madel (Beach Seine) Fishing Regulations (Amendment 2022) (Download) Gazette Extraordinary No. 2266/6 (07.02.2022)
The Fishing Operations Regulations of 1996 (Amendment 2023) (Download) Gazette Extraordinary No. 2319/20 (13.02.2023)
Recreational Fishing Management Regulations 2023 (Download) Gazette Extraordinary No. 2319/19 (13.02.2023)
3. Fisheries Resource Management & Conservation
Regulation Number Date
The old Dutch canal and Mundal lagoon Fishing Regulations 1996 (Download) Gazette Extraordinary No. 916/11 (28.03.1996)
Chilaw Lagoon Fisheries Regulation 1996 (Download) Gazette Extraordinary No. 916/12 (28.03.1996)
Inland Fisheries Management Regulations (Download) Gazette Extraordinary No. 948/25 (07.11.1996)
The Aquaculture Management Regulations (Download) Gazette Extraordinary No. 948/25 (07.11.1996)
Lobster Fisheries Management Regulations (Download) Gazette Extraordinary No. 1123/2 (13.03.2000)
Fisheries Management (Matara District, Thotamuna, Ginigasmulla} Regulations 2000 (Download) Gazette Extraordinary No. 1149/3 (12.09.2000)
Fishery Management (Batticaloa Lagoon ) Regulations of 2001 Gazette extraordinary No. and dated 2001.01.15 (Download) Gazette Extraordinary No. 1167/3 (15.01.2001)
Sea Shells Fisheries Management and Export Regulations 2001 (Download) Gazette Extraordinary No. 1188/3 (11.06.2001)
The Regulations of the landing of fish (Species of Shark and Skates) Regulations 2001 (Download) Gazette Extraordinary No. 1206/20 (17.10.2001)
Order of Madiha Polhena Coral Reef Ecosystem Fisheries Management Area (Download) Gazette Extraordinary No. 1191/6 (02.07.2001)
Parakrama Samudraya Fisheries Management Area Regulations 2002 (Download) Gazette Extraordinary No. 1255 /24 (26.09.2002)
Chank Fisheries Management and Export Regulations (Download) Gazette Extraordinary No. 1298/1 (21.07.2003)
Order of Reservoirs covering up relevant Grama Niladhari Divisions located in the Eastern, North Central, North Western, Central and Southern Provinces, Districts and divisional secretaries are declared as separate fisheries Management area (Download) Gazette Extraordinary No.1384/9 (15.03.2005)
Order of Reservoirs covering up relevant Grama Niladhari Divisions located in the North west, North Central, Central, Northern and Uwa Provinces, relevant Districts and divisional secretaries are declared as separate fisheries Management area (Download) Gazette Extraordinary No. 1415/4 (18.10.2005)
Monofilament Nets Prohibition Regulations (Download) Gazette Extraordinary No. 1454/33 (21.07.2006)
Declaration of Prohibited Time Period for Lobster (Download) Gazette Extraordinary No.1601/36 (05.05.2009)
Nilwella Fisheries Regulations No. 1 of 2011 (Download) Gazette Extraordinary No. 1711/4 (20.06.2011)
The Fish Catch Data Collection Regulations 2014 (Download) Gazette Extraordinary No.1878/11 (01.09.2014)
Shark Fishery Management (High Seas) Regulations, 2015 (Download) Gazette Extraordinary No.1938/2 (26.10.2015)
The Blue Swimming Crab Fishery Management Regulations(Download) Gazette Extraordinary No. 2277/04 (25.04.2022)
The Mud Crab Fishery Management Regulations 2024 (Download) Gazette Extraordinary No. 2371/35 (15.02.2024)
Fisheries Development and Management Plan of the Chilaw Lagoon (Download) Gazette Extraordinary No. 2375/21 (12.03.2024)
Conservation of Fish and Aquatic Resources within Sri Lanka Waters (Download) Gazette Extraordinary No. 2008/30 (03.03.2017)
4. Monitoring & Surveillance
Regulation Number Date
Fisheries (Information ) Regulations,1997 (Download) Gazette Extraordinary No. 972/15 (25.04.1997)
Aquaculture (Monitoring of Residues) Regulations 2002 (Download) Gazette Extraordinary No. 1237/19 (22.05.2002)
Port State Measures to Prevent, Deter and Eliminate Illegal, Unreported, and Unregulated Fishing Regulations 2015 (Amendment) (Download) Gazette Extraordinary No. 2027/32 (13.07.2017)
Implementation of Satellite-Based Vessel Monitoring System (VMS) and Other Electronic Vessel Monitoring Systems (Download) Gazette Extraordinary No. 2310/37 (15.12.2022)
Implementation of Port State Measures to Prevent, Deter, and Eliminate Illegal, Unreported, and Unregulated (IUU) Fishing (Download) Gazette Extraordinary No. 1907/47 (26.03.2015)
Fish Catch Data Collection Regulations (Download) Gazette Extraordinary No. 1755/32 (25.04.2012)
Payment of Reward Regulations (Download) Gazette Extraordinary No. 1430/5 (30.01.2006)
5. Import & Export Regulations
Regulation Number Date
The Export and Import of Live Fish Regulations, 1998 (Amendment) (Download) Gazette Extraordinary No. 1098/3 (20.09.1999)
The Export and Import of Live Fish Regulations, 1998 (Amendment) (Download) Gazette Extraordinary No. 1273/6 (27.01.2003)
Fish and Fishery Products, Export, Import and Re-export Management Regulations 2017 (Amendment) (Download) Gazette Extraordinary No. 2218/64 (12.03.2012)
Import and Export of Cultured Coral Species on Artificial Substrates (Download) Gazette Extraordinary No. 2319/21 (13.02.2023)
The Export and Import of Live Fish Regulations (Download) Gazette Extraordinary No. 1036/13 (16.07.1998)
Fish and Fishery Products, Export, Import, and Re-export Management Regulations (Download) Gazette Extraordinary No. 2023/51 (15.06.2017)
Fishing (Import and Export) Regulations (Download) Gazette Extraordinary No. 1665/16 (04.08.2010)
6. Fisheries Management Areas
Regulation Number Date
Negombo Lagoon Fishery Management Area Regulations (Download) Gazette Extraordinary No. 1038/16 (30.07.1998)
Rekawa Lagoon Fisheries Management Area Regulations (Download) Gazette Extraordinary No. 1067/4 (16.02.1999)
Udukiriwala Reservoir Fisheries Management Area Regulations (Download) Gazette Extraordinary No. 1087/34 (09.07.1999)
Order of Parakrama Samudraya Declared as a Fisheries Management Area (Download) Gazette Extraordinary No. 1244/1 (08.07.2002)
Orders Declaring Various Lagoons & Reservoirs as Fisheries Management Areas (Download) Gazette Extraordinary No. 4 (25.04)
7. Fish Handling & Processing
Regulation Number Date
The Handling and Distribution of Fish Regulations (Download) Gazette Extraordinary No. 972/14 (25.04.1997)
The Fish Processing Establishment Regulations (Download) Gazette Extraordinary No. 972/14 (25.04.1997)
Fish Products (Export) Regulations (Download) Gazette Extraordinary No. 1045/1 (14.09.1998)
The Landing of Fish Regulations (Download) Gazette Extraordinary No. 972/04 (21.04.1997)
8. Fees & Licensing
Regulation Number Date
Fisheries (Imposition of Fees) Regulations (Download) Gazette Extraordinary No. 2255/22 (24.11.2021)
Fisheries (Cancellation of Fees) Regulations (Download) Gazette Extraordinary No. 1698/13 (23.03.2011)
The Percentage of Local Fishing Boat Registration Fees(Payable to the Provincial Fund) Regulations (Download) Gazette Extraordinary No. 1055/13 (26.11.1998)
9. Special Environmental & Species Protection
Regulation Number Date
Prohibition of Catching Thresher Sharks (Download) Gazette Extraordinary No. 1768/36 (27.07.2012)
Conservation of Coral Reefs and Artificial Substrate Regulations (Download) Gazette Extraordinary No. 2319/21 (13.02.2023)
Regulations on Collecting Dead Shells (Download) Gazette Extraordinary No. 1780/31 (19.10.2012)
10. Administrative & Committee Orders
Regulation Number Date
Fisheries Committee Regulations,1997 (Download) Gazette Extraordinary No. 972/15 (25.04.1997)
The Fisheries Committee Regulations,1997 (Amendment) (Download) Gazette Extraordinary No. 1071/20 (19.03.1999)
Notification of establishment of Rakawa Lagoon Fisheries Management Committee (Download) Gazette Extraordinary No. 1176 /21 (22.03.2001)
Notification of establishment of Fisheries Management Committees for Muruthawela reservoir Management Area (Download) Gazette Extraordinary No. 1223/36 (12.02.2002)
Notification of establishment of Fisheries Management Committees for Ridiyagama reservoir Management Area (Download) Gazette Extraordinary No. 1270/28 (09.01.2003)
Notification of establishment of Fisheries Management Committee for Panama Lagoon Fisheries Management Area Gazette Extraordinary No. and dated 2008.09.15 (Download) Gazette Extraordinary No. 1567/5 (15.09.2008)
Notification of establishment of Committees for catching live ornamental fish and lobster in the South Coast (Matara and Galle District ) Fisheries Management Area (Download) Gazette Extraordinary No. 1743/8 (31.01.2012)
Notification of establishment of Committees for catching Chank and lobster in the South Coast (Hambantota District ) Fisheries Management Area (Download) Gazette Extraordinary No. 1745/6 (31.01.2012)
Notification of establishment of Committees for Chilaw lagoon Fisheries Management Area (Download) Gazette Extraordinary No. 1772/29 (22.08.2012)
Notification of establishment of Committees for Puttalam lagoon Fisheries Management Area (Download) Gazette Extraordinary No. 1772/29 (22.08.2012)
Notification of establishment of Committees for East Coast (Batticaloa District) Fisheries Management Area (Download) Gazette Extraordinary No. 1819/17 (17.07.2013)
Notification of establishment of Committees for Kokkilai Lagoon (Download) Gazette Extraordinary No. 1995/9 (29.11.2016)
Fisheries Management committee had been established and registered for Thalan Lagoon Fisheries Management Area published in Gazette Extraordinary No. dated 13.07.2017 (Download) Gazette Extraordinary No. 2027/33 (13.07.2017)
Fisheries Management committee had been established and registered for Madampa Lagoon Fisheries Management Area published in Gazette Extraordinary No. dated 13.07.2017 (Download) Gazette Extraordinary No. 2027/33 (13.07.2017)
Fisheries Management committee had been established and registered for Koggala Lagoon Fisheries Management Area published in Gazette Extraordinary No. dated 13.07.2017 (Download) Gazette Extraordinary No. 2027/33 (13.07.2017)
Fisheries Management committee had been established and registered for Garanduwa Lagoon Fisheries Management Area published in Gazette Extraordinary No. dated 13.07.2017 (Download) Gazette Extraordinary No. 2027/33 (13.07.2017)